How to Make Money on Twitter in Nigeria 2024 [12 Realistic Ways]

  • October 2, 2023

Are you curious about how to make money on Twitter in Nigeria? If yes, then this comprehensive guide is your one-stop resource.

We all know the influence of Twitter as a social media platform, but many are yet to fully leverage its monetization potential. This is especially true in our country Nigeria where its power is often underutilized.

In this post, we will explore an amazing 12 methods for how to earn money on Twitter in Nigeria, ranging from straightforward to creative tactics that will help you make money on Twitter daily in Nigeria, even without an initial investment!

So, if that’s what you seek, join us and let’s explore this post together!

Making Money on Twitter in Nigeria

Twitter, boasting over 330 million active users globally, is a powerful platform. In Nigeria, with a significant number of users, Twitter is a goldmine for those who know how to tap into its opportunities.

Countless Nigerians are already earning substantial income from it. So, how to make money from Twitter in Nigeria? Let’s dive into the details.

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12 Ways to Make Money on Twitter in Nigeria

The top ways to make money from Twitter in Nigeria in 2023 include:

1. Affiliate Marketing

Make Money on Twitter

Affiliate marketing is one of the proven ways to earn money online, including on Twitter.

Here, you promote a brand’s products or services and earn commissions for every purchase made through your unique link.

Nigerian e-commerce platforms like Jumia and Konga offer profitable affiliate programs that you can easily join.

The key to success in affiliate marketing is a focused and engaging promotion of your affiliate links to your followers.

2. Sponsored Tweets

With a considerable following on Twitter, companies will pay you to tweet about their products or services – these are called sponsored tweets.

You must, however, be selective about the products you promote to maintain your credibility. Nigeria has a burgeoning tech industry, with start-ups constantly seeking visibility.

By aligning with such businesses, you can make money on Twitter daily in Nigeria.

3. Selling Products or Services

Twitter can serve as a storefront for selling physical or digital products or services. Consider leveraging your skills to provide services such as graphic design, content writing, or digital marketing.

You can also sell digital products like e-books, online courses, or physical products from a small business. Be sure to provide clear product descriptions, price, and delivery details for a smooth transaction process.

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4. Promoting Your Own Business

Twitter’s wide reach can help grow your existing business, be it a small-scale fashion brand, an IT consulting firm, or a food delivery service.

Consistent and engaging posts about your business can attract potential customers, and drive sales and growth. Many Nigerian businesses have leveraged Twitter for business growth, and so can you!

5. Influencer Marketing

Being an influencer is a lucrative way to make money on Twitter in Nigeria. Brands pay influencers with a large following to promote their products or services.

It takes time to build a significant following, but once achieved, influencer marketing can provide a steady income.

6. Drive Traffic to Monetized Blogs/Websites

If you own a monetized blog or website, you can use Twitter to drive more traffic and hence, earn more.

Regularly sharing links to your blog posts or website can significantly increase your visitor count, leading to higher earnings from ad revenue and affiliate marketing.

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7. Twitter Fleets for Business

Twitter Fleets, similar to Instagram Stories, disappear after 24 hours. You can utilize Fleets for limited-time offers, behind-the-scenes content, or to engage your followers in a more casual way.

Nigerian influencers and businesses have successfully used Fleets to drive engagement and conversions.

8. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is another viable way to make money on Twitter in Nigeria without investment. If you have a project or a cause that requires financial support, you can promote it on Twitter and ask your followers to contribute.

Platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe can be used to handle the funds.

See Also: Top Crowdfunding Platforms in Nigeria

9. Subscription-Based Model – Twitter Blue

Twitter Blue is Twitter’s new subscription-based service that provides users with premium features for a monthly fee.

If you have valuable content, you can use Twitter Blue to earn a steady income from your followers who subscribe to view your content.

10. Utilizing Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is a live audio chat feature, similar to Clubhouse. You can host discussions on relevant topics and, with a considerable audience, can attract sponsors or promote your own products or services.

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11. Direct Donations or Tips

Twitter now allows users to send and receive money through a feature known as Tip Jar. If you provide valuable content, you can encourage your followers to support you by sending tips.

12. Trading in Twitter Stocks

If your main question is “how to make money with Twitter in Nigeria”, like many other tech companies, Twitter is a publicly-traded company, and their stocks can be bought and sold.

With the right knowledge of the stock market, you can earn money by trading Twitter stocks. Always remember to do proper research before investing in any stock.

Knowing the ways to make money daily from Twitter is not all. Of course, you need followers to start making a substantial amount of money on that “Bird” platform. Here is a bonus for you.

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Setting Up for Success: Your Twitter Profile

Now that you know the nitty-gritty, let’s establish a fundamental truth – a well-optimized Twitter profile is your ticket to success.

Your bio, profile photo, header image, and pinned tweet must be professional and engaging. A well-crafted profile can serve as a magnet for opportunities and potential business deals.

Knowing that, I believe your Twitter account is ready. So, let’s get to see how really to make money on Twitter in Nigeria.

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Success Tips – How to Grow Twitter Followers to Make Money

This is a step-by-step method on how to gain followers on Twitter to start making money:

Step 1: Establish Your Online Presence

Define Your Niche: Determine what you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. This could be anything from fashion and beauty to tech startups, health, or even politics.

Having a clear focus will help attract a specific audience interested in your content.

Optimize Your Twitter Profile: Your Twitter bio should clearly describe who you are and what you do.

Use relevant keywords in your bio and include a link to your website or a landing page if you have one. A professional profile picture and an engaging header image also add to your profile’s appeal.

Step 2: Create Engaging Content

Post Regularly: Consistency is key on any social media platform. Try to tweet at least once a day. Regular posting not only keeps your current followers engaged but also helps attract new ones.

Use Relevant Hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to get your tweets seen by a wider audience. Use popular but relevant hashtags to boost your visibility. However, avoid using too many in a single tweet as it may look spammy.

Engage with Trending Topics: Join in conversations on trending topics related to your niche. This will get you noticed by others interested in these topics and can help increase your follower count.

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Step 3: Engage with Your Audience

Respond to Comments: When someone comments on your tweet, make sure to reply. This helps build relationships with your followers and makes them feel valued.

Retweet and Quote Tweets: Retweeting and quoting tweets from others in your niche is a good way to engage with your community and get noticed by them.

Host Giveaways: This is a tried and tested way to grow followers. Partner with a brand or use your own product/service for a giveaway. Make ‘following your account’ a condition to enter the contest.

Step 4: Network and Collaborate

Collaborate with Others: Collaborating with others in your niche can help expose your profile to a larger audience. This could be anything from guest blogging to hosting a joint webinar or even a simple shoutout exchange.

Join Twitter Chats: Participating in Twitter chats related to your niche can also help grow your followers. It’s a great way to network, learn new things, and get noticed by other participants.

Make Money from Twitter – FAQs

How many followers do you need to make money on Twitter?

You don’t need a specific number of followers to start earning on Twitter. However, having a substantial, engaged follower base can significantly boost your earning potential.

Can you make money on Twitter?

Absolutely! From affiliate marketing, sponsored tweets, to promoting your own products or services, there are numerous ways to make money on Twitter.

How do people make money on Twitter?

People make money on Twitter through various methods, including but not limited to affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, selling products or services, promoting their businesses, and more.

How to make money on Twitter by posting videos?

You can make money by posting sponsored videos or videos promoting your products or services. Additionally, you can post videos driving traffic to your monetized blog or YouTube channel.

Does Twitter pay money to users?

Twitter itself doesn’t pay users, but it provides a platform where users can earn money through various methods, like sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or by selling their own products or services.


There you have it, 12 innovative ways on how to make money on Twitter in Nigeria. The power to start earning is in your hands, and it begins with taking the first step.

As a student, an employee, or an entrepreneur, there are multiple ways to leverage Twitter to augment your income. We hope these methods inspire you to start your Twitter monetization journey today.

Remember, knowledge is the key, but action will get you there. Start implementing these strategies today and unlock the opportunities that Twitter offers in Nigeria. Happy tweeting, and here’s to your success!