How to Repay Lcredit Loan Offline & Online in 3 Easy Ways

  • November 19, 2023

This post is all about how to repay Lcredit loan both online and offline.

If you’re seeking a non-complicated way of getting an instant payday loan, I guess you may have heard of Lcredit.

Yes, on the Lcredit app, you can take an instant loan within minutes without any collateral, or a guarantor.

So as you can also repay your loan in minutes without running into uncleared loan issues if you did it the right way.

Take a seat and let’s talk a walk-through on how to repay Lcredit loan in three fast and easy ways.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Repaying Lcredit Loan

The Lcredit loan repayment conditions is very flexible, and it’s not to worry too much about. 

However,  repaying your loan could be fast and easy on the Lcredit app if only you know the step-by-step process required.

It is very important you make sure to have a loan on the Lcredit app and you are nearing the due date or already due to make repayment.

Once that is ensured, Lcredit provides you with three easy options to repay your loan so that you can be eligible for another one.

The coop thing is that you can also repay your Lcredit loan offline.

Now, let’s see how to repay Lcredit loan in the most effective and efficient ways.

Related: How to Repay XCredit Loan

How to Repay Lcredit Loan

The following is a step-by-step guide on how to repay Lcredit loan.

  1. Login to your account on the Lcredit app.
  2. Click on “Loan Bill” on the App.
  3. Now, enter the amount you want to pay, or select full loan payment.
  4. Then, click on “Repay Now” to view the available repayment options that including:

Debit Card

The first recommend repayment option you’ll see is the Debit Card option, also known as Automated Teller Machine Card (ATM Card).

You can make a repayment using your debit card by simply clicking on the “Pay with Card”, tapping any of your already linked cards, or adding a new card by entering your ATM card number, expiry date, and the CVV number.

Finally, click “Repay Now” to proceed to make payment, and your account will be updated.

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USSD method is another fast and easy Lcredit repayment method.

This method can be used just by clicking on Pay with Bank or USSD from the list of the repayment methods, then clicking “Repay Now”.

Now, proceed by clicking on “Pay with USSD”. Copy the USSD code on your screen and paste it to your phone dialer to make a payment.

Once done, click on “I’ve completed the payment” and your payment will be confirmed.

Please take note that the USSD repayment method only works with GT Bank accounts only, and is powered by Paystack.

See Also: How to Repay Cabon Loan

How to Repay Lcredit Loan Offline

Bank Direct Deposit/Transfer, POS Or ATM

If you’re among those seeking how to repay Lcredit loan offline, here’s a solution.

To use this method, just:

  • Click on “Offline Transfer” on the repayment option list.
  • After clicking on it, you will be shown a Wema bank account number (virtual account).
  • Copy and use on your bank app, use any payment outlet (ATM or POS), or take to the bank to pay. 

Note that this account number has an expiring time and so therefore you must use the account number assigned to you before the time elapses. 

Also, keep in mind that you can regenerate a new offline account number each time the previous one expires. This payment method is used and advised for users to make use of immediately its generated or before expiration.

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Lcredit Loan Repayment FAQs

Can I pay my Lcredit loan before the due date?

Yes, you can repay your Lcredit loan before the due date. In fact, it is really advisable you repay your loan before the due date so as to get a reduction in interest, and also a good credit score.

What happens if I don’t pay my Lcredit loan?

If you don’t pay your Lcredit loan on time, Lcredit will keep increasing your interest rate every day.

More so, you’ll keep getting calls from Lcredit, urging you to repay your loan.

How long do Lcredit loan takes to repay?

Repaying your loan on Lcredit doesn’t take much time. Within a few minutes after carrying out the repayment transaction, you’ll get a notification message from Lcredit confirming your loan repayment.

How do I pay back my loan on Lcredit?

You can pay back your loan on Lcredit via USSD, Bank transfer, and/or your debit card (ATM card).


The flexible repayment methods offered by Lcredit are undoubtedly one of the major reasons why people prefer the App.

Anyways, how to repay Lcredit loan shouldn’t be something to worry about anymore, I believe.

If you still have questions concerning this topic, please feel free to use the comment box below.
