How to Start a Blog in Nigeria: The Ultimate Beginners Guide for 2024

  • October 2, 2023

Blogging in Nigeria: When it comes to making money online in Nigeria with little investment, blogging is without a doubt one of the top ways.

If you’ve ever wondered how to start a blog in Nigeria and make money from it, this is the right guide for you.

In today’s digital age, blogging has become an exciting avenue to share ideas, connect with others, and, most importantly, make money.

Nairarush has come up with this comprehensive guide to walk you through every step on your journey to becoming a successful blogger in Nigeria.

So, without any waste of time, let’s dive in and get started!

What is Blogging?

Blogging in Nigeria

Blogging, in its most basic form, is the act of creating, writing, and publishing content on a digital platform called a blog. This content can range from personal anecdotes and reviews to professional advice and tutorials.

Blogging in Nigeria, like anywhere else in the world, offers an opportunity to express your thoughts to a broad audience.

In terms of money making, blogging can indeed be a viable source of income, although it typically requires a lot of work and persistence.

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Why Start a Blog in Nigeria?

Starting a blog in Nigeria provides a unique opportunity. With a population of over 200 million, Nigeria is a vast market to tap into.

What’s more, Nigerians are becoming more digitally savvy, with internet penetration on the rise. Whether you want to share fashion tips, business advice, travel experiences, or food recipes, you can find a receptive audience in Nigeria.

More importantly, once you understand how to make money blogging in Nigeria, it can become a significant source of income.

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Step-By-Step Guide to Starting a Blog in Nigeria

Having known what blogging is and why getting involved in the blogging business in Nigeria, let’s see the complete steps to start a blog:

Step #1: Decide a Niche

Before you start blogging in Nigeria, it’s crucial to decide on a niche that suits your passion and knowledge.

Basically, find something you’re passionate about and can write extensively on. Whether it’s health and wellness, tech, education, entertainment, or personal finance, choosing a niche will help you attract a targeted audience.

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Step #2: Choose a Name for Your Blog

The next step in your blogging journey is choosing a name for your blog. Here, you need to be creative and make sure the name is unique, catchy, and relevant to your niche. For example, if you’re starting a food blog, a name like “NaijaDelicacies” could work.

Note that it is not a must that your domain name is niche related. You can just go with a branded name. A successful Nigerian blog with such an approach is Witspot.org, a popular educational website.

Step #3: Choose a Blogging Platform

How to Start a Blog in Nigeria

When it comes to how to create a blog in Nigeria, your blogging platform is crucial. It’s just like the engine room for your blog. Therefore, it is best to pick the right one.

WordPress blogging is a popular choice due to its user-friendly interface, customizable features, and extensive community support.

Other blogging platforms you can explore include Wix, Blogger, Weebly, Shopify, and Squarespace among a variety of others.

Step #4: Get a Domain Name

Remember you decided on a blog name earlier, right? Now, it’s time you proceed to buy the name as a domain.

Your domain name is your unique address on the internet. It should ideally match the name of your blog and be easy to remember. Numerous platforms like GoDaddy or Namecheap can help you secure your domain name.

It is important to know that domain names come with different extensions including .com.ng, .com, .net, .org and many more.

Step #5: Pick a Hosting Platform

Once your domain is ready, now is the time to get your blog live. This can be accomplished through a hosting platform or a web host.

A hosting platform is where your blog will “live” online. Some reliable hosting platforms include Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator. They offer affordable plans, excellent customer service, and robust security features.

Since it’s Nigeria, if you don’t have enough budget, you can go with a Nigerian-based host such as Qservers or Harmonweb. You can host your blog for as little as less than 1,000 Naira monthly.

Step #6: Set Up and Launch Your Blog

After getting a domain and hosting, it’s time to set up your blog. WordPress blogging is quite straightforward – you install the platform, choose a theme, and customize it to your liking. Once everything looks good, it’s time to launch your blog.

As a starter, do not get too techy or it may get complicated. Make the design look good and easy to navigate.

Talking about navigation, how to start a blog in Nigeria also involve following certain rules and regulation laid down to get good result from search engines. This includes creating a contact page, about us, and a privacy policy.

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Step #7: Research Blog Topics

An integral part of how to start blogging in Nigeria involves researching blog topics. These topics are also referred to as “keywords”. They are what you will write about in the niche you pick.

Google Trends, BuzzSumo, and SEMRush are excellent tools for uncovering what your target audience is interested in.

For example, if your blog is about food, a keyword to write about could be “How to Make Nigerian Jollof Rice”.

Step #8: Write and Publish Your First Blog Post

Blogging in Nigeria

Now, it’s time to write and publish your first blog post. Here is where the real work begins.

Make sure your content is engaging, valuable, and speaks to your audience. Remember, consistency is key in the blogging business.

Therefore, you need to make sure your blog is always producing new articles. It is ideal you publish a blog post at least once a week.

And that completes the steps on how to create a blog in Nigeria. Now, proceed to the next and most important part of this guide – How to make money blogging in Nigeria.

Monetizing Your Blog: How to Make Money Blogging

Once your site is live, you might be wondering, “How do I make money on a blog in Nigeria?” There are several different ways to earn money from your blog including:

Ad Revenue

Once your blog generates enough traffic, you can earn money through ad revenue from platforms like Google AdSense.

Affiliate Marketing

Another solution to how to make money from a blog in Nigering is affiliate marketing. You can recommend products or services and earn a commission for any sales made through your referral link.

Selling Products or Services

Whether it’s an eBook, course, or freelance services, selling your products or services is a fantastic way to make money from blogging in Nigeria.

Sponsored Posts

Businesses are often willing to pay for a sponsored post or review on popular blogs. You can also make money this way too.

However, this may take time, as your site will need to be popular before businesses can reach out.

Talking about website popularity, you can quickly reach a wider audience by promoting your blog.

Promoting Your Blog: How to Get Traffic

How to Start a Blog in Nigeria

Promotion is crucial in the blogging business in Nigeria. Leverage social media platforms, email marketing, and SEO strategies to increase your blog’s visibility.

You can also collaborate with other bloggers to reach a wider audience.

Overcoming Challenges in Blogging

Just like every other business, starting a blog in Nigeria comes with its challenges, including dealing with irregular power supply, high data costs, and staying consistent.

However, with resilience, creativity, and a strategic approach, you can overcome these challenges and succeed.

Blogging in Nigeria – FAQs

How much does it cost to start a blog in Nigeria?

Starting a blog in Nigeria costs between ₦10,000 to ₦100,000, depending on hosting and domain choices.

How do bloggers get paid in Nigeria?

Nigerian bloggers earn through ads (usually Google Adsense), sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and direct product sales.

How can I start a blog with no money in Nigeria?

You can start a blog without money in Nigeria by utilizing free platforms like Blogger or WordPress.com; however, some features such as monetization options might be limited.

Where can I learn blogging in Nigeria?

You can learn blogging in Nigeria from online courses, YouTube, blogs, and local workshops in Nigeria that offer blogging training for beginners.


Blogging offers a unique blend of personal fulfilment and potential financial reward. Now that you know how to start a blog and make money in Nigeria as a beginner, it’s time to embark on your blogging journey.

Remember: Consistency is key. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep sharing your unique insights. You never know who might be inspired or whose life you might change. Happy blogging!